I got a premix pack again.. (Because I'm lazy and I find everything else complicated as it is!). Last time I got the icing completely wrong and only had a little bit so couldn't make anymore.. But this time I was more successful.. My cakes all got icing and even decorated..
I'm hoping that come Oli's first birthday I will be able to make him a Birthday cake and lots of little cakes for his party!!
I took some pics as I went along...
Ingredients at the ready.. This time I was prepared and had eggs.. No last minute run to the shops for them as I did last time!
In the Oven...
15mins later...
I struggled with the icing.. Because I destroyed it last time by adding too much water, I added it drop by drop!!
Cakes all iced! :)
All decorated with sprinkles & chocolate drops...
I'm rather chuff with how well my 2nd attempt went!! Bring on round 3! :D