The Waitrose website used in the right way can be a big help in your preparations. It contains everything you need from Christmas Gift Guides to help you shop for presents for the whole family to recipes you can use to impress your mother in law with come Boxing Day drinks.

One of my favourite reasons for shopping with Waitrose is the Heston collection, he's our favourite chef and we just love his wacky food ways and how he brings the word 'fun' to food. I'm rather excited about trying out one his famous 'Heston from Waitrose hidden orange Christmas Present' for the first time this year. I'll definitely also be adding a pack of his 'Heston from Waitrose Puff Pastry Mince Pies' to my trolley as the curious part of me wants to try out this pine sugar which they are sprinkled with which apparently give off a Christmas Tree aroma.

Of course being the food selling Place it is, they have the most wonderful selection of food themed gifts. I know these would go down a treat for me if I was to receive them as a Christmas present, not like I'm looking at the Husband as a hint when he reads this later. I do think the hot chocolate and the biscuits sets will be finding there way to my dining table sooner rather then later. I bet I'm not the only one who enjoys wrapping up the Christmas presents whilst enjoying a mug of hot chocolate (with marshmallows & cream) and munching on some chocolate biscuits. I usually save the wine for those more difficult to wrap presents.
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