Oli got sent from IKEA a Fabler Krokodil, Fabler Mus, Barnslig Alg and Gosig Bulldog to put to the cuddle test and to see what he made of them. By far his favourite is the rather large Fabler Krokodil which has been cuddled, wrestled and even slept with!
Little Miss Fabler Mus went to the house of Oli's little girl-friend where she is now taking part in little tea parties and having girly cuddles. She would make the perfect gift for any little girls birthday.
The Barnslig Alg or the moose as we call it in English takes pride of place on Oli's highchair, I guess Oli wants it to keep his seat warm for him. Its amazing how he has bought out his imagination to place his cuddly toy here, he's attempted to feed it peas which he is somehow convinced is moose food.
One new friend is the Gosig Bulldog which he sees as a great cuddly toy. This somehow keeps making it up into my room, Oli keeps sneaking it up there. I've been trying to teach him that its a woof woof and that we stroke dogs, actually got some progress on calling it a woof woof but instead of stroking it Oli finds him to be more of a rather comfy seat.
Recent findings from a research report called the playreport from IKEA from that 89% of parents agree that play is important to encourage their child's imagination. Which as a mother of one toddler I have to totally agree with, everyday I find Oli using his imagination to play with his toys in a different way. Just as I noticed the way he turned his new IKEA soft toys into objects of play by using his own creativity.
IKEA has created an engaging new Facebook application called '' which offers kids the chance to interact with a range of characters to create their own story. Me and Oli had lots of fun sitting at the computer to do it together, I wrote and made the story and read it out to him. If you have older kids why not let them write and create there own story. You also get the chance to print it out and share it with friends and family at the end.

Here's a screenshot from the story we made together, to play Toy Stories with your little one head over to and click on the Toy Stories tab.
If like mine your children like drawing and you have a fridge overflowing with drawings (or scribbles in Oli's case!) then why not upload your child's artwork to the Fridge Door - where they have the chance of winning a weekly prize of a IKEA art set.