Hi Blog,
How are you? It's been a while. Well it hasn't, it's only been *gulp* 11 days and the last thing we talked about was a competition for Alton Towers tickets which Second Time Mummy won (congratulations!). Just before that I treated you to a post about our day trip to West Midlands Safari Park, this is the kind of thing we've been doing the last few weeks. Getting out lots and doing things together.
Things have been hectic around here blog that's why you've not been maintained as well as you usually are. I've been a very busy woman which has been sorting out life and things to do with life. Its had its highs and lows (mainly highs) but sometimes it has got a little too much but then I have found the perfect cure for this in the form of coffee,cake and the latest Cath Kidston magazine.
Today has been the first day in a while that I've actually been able to sit down and breathe, get the laptop out and re-enter cyber world. My google reader is bursting at the seems along with my emails. Both of which I will tackle when more coffee enters my system, wondering why I didn't say wine then?? Well I've decided to give up alcohol for lent. I guess that could of been a post of its own. Glowstars doesn't believe a can go a week let over 6 weeks.
There is so much going on in blogosphere which I need to catch up with! Becky over at Baby Budgeting has a new ebook out, my post about dealing with chicken pox is up over on the Baby BornFree website and my ego has seen me been listed over on the Bounty Baby homepage as a top Mummy Blogger to follow , PlayPennies blogger that they love and even more fantastically Tots 100 blogger of the month. It seems that the last month has been the best blogging month for me so far.
Blogging is by far on of my favourite hobbies and something I very much enjoy doing it so don't worry blog, not going to be giving you up anytime soon. Blogging this year has seen me become a Lego Duplo Mummy who are kindly sponsoring me to go to CyberMummy and putting me up in a hotel with the other Lego Duplo Girls. I continue to be a Huggies Mum who sponsored me for CyberMummy last year, the brand/blogger relationship I have with these guys is fantastic and I very much look forward to working with them in the future. I was proud to support the Dettol Mission For Health campaign which is helping to promote a healthier environment in the home, community and beyond. Head over to the where in exchange for you clicking like, they will donate 20p to Save The Children.
I do promise that if I owe you a email, blog post, review, blood or anything else then you will get it in time. If you do want to get hold of me importantly about anything then the best way is to DM me over on as that comes straight through to my iPhone. This doesn't mean you can spam me like crazy *looks at * but I'm getting there, the online me has just had to take a backseat whilst I sort out the real world.
Life is going great right now despite everything. I'm so excited about mine and Oli's future that this cancels out any other crap that life wants to throw at me.

Me and The Baby x x