Monday, 17 December 2012

5 Steps to Sending the Perfect Parcel

Sending a parcel may seem like a straightforward task – and it can be. However, many of us fail to consider some key points before posting the parcel; points that could soon leave a hole in your wallet if they’re not taken into account.

Here we’re going to take you through five simple steps to sending the perfect parcel.

1. Decide what you’re sending and when
We had to start somewhere obvious, but deciding what you’re actually sending is the very starting point of sending a parcel. It’s likely you already know this, so it’s now time to decide when you are going to send it.

Timing is the important factor here. The price of sending your parcel, as well as the price of packaging your parcel, will vary depending on the time of year you send it. For example, if you are sending something over a busy holiday period, and want to send it first class recorded delivery, you may have to pay more for this service due to demand.

It’s advisable to look into when you can send your parcel for the cheapest possible price.

Top tip: Sending two parcels instead of one can sometimes be cheaper!

2. Select the packaging carefully
Some forms of packaging weigh more than others, so can add to the overall cost of sending your parcel. When you select your packaging, you should (if possible) have your parcel with you so you can measure up and select the correct type of wrapping. Remember, wasted packaging is wasted money.

Top tip: Buying packaging in bulk from Rapid Parcel’s online shop or indeed a high-street retailer can save you money in the short and long-term.

3. Wrap it the ‘right’ way
This may sound pedantic, but wrapping your parcel the ‘right’ way can save you time and money. We’re not saying there are clear-cut ‘right and wrong’ ways to wrap a parcel, but there are ways in which you can wrap to save money.

Let’s use the following as an example:

You’ve got a square parcel you’d like to send. Instead of using a box twice the size of this for its packaging, why not wrap the parcel in a few layers of brown parcel paper, and then place it into a slightly larger box, padding the gap between your parcel and its packaging with a few pieces of scrunched newspaper? You’ll save money (as you won’t be buying an unnecessarily large box), and your parcel will be protected on its transit.

Top tip: You could even wrap the parcel in newspaper – saving even more money, as you won’t need to buy any parcel paper. What’s more, if your parcel will fit into an old shoe box, you could seal this and wrap it with paper then post! Recycling old items like this can considerably reduce your costs.

4. Consider extra costs
A short and sweet note about considering the extra costs here… Make sure you keep the weight of the parcel to a minimum (where possible), as a heavier parcel can cost more than you think to send! Refer to the top tip in the first step for another useful idea relating to this!

5. Post your parcel
The final step, as you may have guessed, involves posting your parcel, and if you’re savvy enough, this is where you could really save some money. Discount courier services such as Rapid Parcel and Pharos, buy in bulk from major couriers such as DHL and City Sprint, allowing them to negotiate more competitive prices. It’s certainly worth trying!

So there you have it – our five simple steps to sending the perfect parcel! We hope you find the guide useful, and we’re sure it’ll save you a few pounds this Christmas.

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