On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... 6 Geese-a-Laying, 5 Golden Rings, 4 Calling Birds, 3 French Hens, 2 Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

Micheal McIntyre Life & Laughing : My Story
Does your son have a sense of humour that seems to be attracting all the girls? Maybe he's learnt a joke or two from one comedian? How about treating him to Micheal McIntyre's story to find how he became one of the country's funniest comedians.

Ipod Orange Nano
Let him stand out from the crowd with this Orange Ipod Nano , he'll be the coolest guy at college with this. It comes with FM radio with a live pause feature.

MP3 Cassette Speaker
This is so retro that he would love to have this MP3 Cassette Speaker on his desk. Golden question is though, does your teenager remember the cassette?

Morph And Chas Bookends
Encourage him to keep his books tidy with these Morph and Chas Bookends.

Brown Cuff Watch
Is your teenager rubbish at timekeeping? Why not give him a hint by buying this Brown Cuff Watch for him.

Professional Dart Board And Darts
Keep him off that games console by getting him into the old pastime of throwing darts with this Professional Dart Board and Darts. Why not put it on his wall whilst he's not in and then wrap it up?

Purple and Blue Bold Stripe Shirt
Help him on the road of smartness with this Purple and Blue Bold Stripe Shirt. He'll impress the whole family at Christmas dinner when he wears this.

Family Guy Slippers
I'm yet to meet a guy let alone a teenage boy that does not like Family Guy. Get the whole family a pair of slippers this Christmas but make the teenager's pair of Family Guy Slippers.

Khaki Canvas Messenger Bag
School/College/Uni? Whatever he goes too, get him this Khaki Canvas Messenger Bag to carry his work books and stuff in.

Quiksilver Eau de Toilette
He's a typical teenager right? So he'll want to be impressing the ladies. Why not help him out with this Quiksilver Eau de Toilette.
Find more Christmas gift ideas for the teenage boy over at Next