Nothing make me love a PR more then sending me a product to review which I actually need, not something for Oli to play with, not something for me to play with and then get bored with 5 minutes later but something I actually need at this current moment in time.
If you've been lucky to enough to not hear my moans over on then you wont know that I've been suffering with a sinking cold for well over a week now. One of the worse things about a cold is the constant need to blow that runny nose and what do you need with a runny nose? Tissues!
Lotus tissues have combined with the makers of Olbas to create a tissue embedded with a special mixture of pure plant olis with ingredients including menthol, eucalyptus, juniper berries and cajuput. The tissues work by crushing them which then releases the oil vapours, you then breathe in the natural vapours before and after blowing your nose.

The tissues were originally available in a handy pocket pack but are now also available in the larger facial tissue box meaning you can have them to hand at home and in the office. I've had the box sat to me on the sofa ever since they arrived!
As a cold sufferer using them for the last few days I cannot recommend them enough for other cold sufferers or even as a general box of tissues. They smell fantastic and you can feel the goodness entering your body from that first inhale. For more information and some handy advice on how to avoid catching a cold head over to the website -
You can buy them from Boots, Sainsbury's and other major retailers.