Monday, 1 August 2011

Mummy Mistake #23

This morning as I was being lured to the park by my two year I realised I had made the ultimate mummy mistake. This mistake was confirmed as I was asked to sit down on the grass. You see this morning as I was getting ready for the day I put on the item of clothing that no mother should wear. Of course any mother can wear it but for me, it's like the ultimate wardrobe mistake.

The item of clothing I'm speaking about is a pair of white trousers. Bright white clean trousers which should only make a appearance on those rare childless days/evenings. It got to a point where I was collecting potential stains every few minutes.

I didn't want to be a spoilsport for Oli so happily rolled around in the grass with him, welcome stain number 1. We came back and played in the garden, hello mud - stain number 2. We then baked cookies, we had lunch, cuddles, tickles, I did housework, more toddler fun, more stickiness. I did take a photo but it doesn't quite show the dirt as much as I what I saw.

Safe to say when the trousers come out the wash they wont be coming out for a while.
