This post what I'm looking forward to most about Christmas from Adventures of a ordinary parent just has to be the ultimate starter.
Oh how right Curly Mum is about it being a stressful time of the year in curly mum on Christmas, though you cant help but to feel slightly less stressed come the end of the post when she talks about forgetting those Yorkshire puds and what the 25th really is all about.
Trying to think of ways to keep the kids entertained in the Christmas holidays? Mummy's Space has the solution in the form of play-doh Christmas trees. We're going to have a go at making a snowman with ours.
Hands up who's jealous of Life, Ninja Killer Cat and Everything Else who went to Santa Lapland and met Santa.
Do you have any Christmas Traditions? Mummy Musings talks about the Christmas traditions she has so far for her own family.

Main Meal
Are you a tad bit of a expert when it comes to cooking that Christmas dinner? If so, why not pop over to looking for blue sky who needs some help with how to make the perfect Christmas dinner.
Find out how Susan K Mann celebrates a Christmas Eve birthday. What would you do if your child's birthday fell on such a day?
Letters to various Christmas people over at from Fun to Mum in her Christmas edition of dear so & so. My toddler very much liked her Rudolph photo.
Love this post from Sign and The City on Finding the balance at Christmas. Really made me take a moment to actually think about what Christmas is all about and what actually does matter.
Thinking about visiting a Christmas market in another country next year? The Five Fs blog visited the Cologne Christmas markets and have provided a fantastic insight into what it was like.
Why do you blog? JoJo's So Called Life talks about why she set up a blog and what exactly her blog is in my mam's a pioneer and further tales part 2. This post made me both sad and smiley at the same time.

Domestic Goddesque has me reaching for the chocolate biccies with her quick and easy Christmas pudding biscuits.
Please say I'm not the only who cant help but to stare at the deliciousness of what is these Christmas Snickerdoodle cookies from two become four. I've really got to get my hands on some edible red glitter!
Now I know why I told myself not to buy one whilst shopping yesterday, Mari's World has a recipe up for us to try making our own Christmas Chocolate Log. It actually looks much yummier then the shops and I bet it was probably much cheaper to make.
Biscuits are always a winner in our house and I'm sure they are in yours too! How about trying out these home made Christmas - festive biscuit lollies and Christmas tree biscuits from Cherished By Me.
Sandy over at Baby Baby has shared her new favourite Christmas song. It's such a heart warming song, you may need to grab the tissues.
Keep the tissues out! You'll need them for this Christmas tree shaped poem in from one year to the next from Jude Wharton.

After Dinner Drinks
Before you settle down with those drinks and about to clear the plates why not read A Mother's Ramblings advice about what to do with those Christmas leftovers.
Stuff the party games, get the craft box out instead and attempt something from how to have a frugal Christmas - fun stuff to do together with The diary of a frugal family. Cant wait to see my toddlers face when I make his his own Christmas video from Father Christmas.
You cant help but to giggle at this Round Robin from Him Up North, it reads just like a Eastenders script.
Online mum has been inspired by the film Muppet Christmas Carol to think about the Christmas past, Christmas present and Christmas future in her So this is Christmas post.