Tuesday, 24 August 2010

AXA Respect On The Road

I am a very nervous passenger when it comes to being in the car with someone else driving but I cant really be blamed when I think of all the friends that I have lost have all been lost to tragic road accidents , and all at such young ages.

This is why I'm more then happy to back a campaign which AXA have created called 'Respect On The Road'. It's no secret that a lot of drivers out there suffer from road rage and sometimes this road rage can be the cause of some of the accidents that happen out there. AXA have created this campaign to try and bring courtesy and manners back to the roads. Why should we forget our manners the moment we get in the car when we should be taking them everywhere with us.

They've created a video which is acted out by 5 year olds who are acting out driving behavior copied from there parents.

I have to remind the other half often that Oli is in the back of the car and even though he cant speak yet, he's still picking up on any words or actions he may use. Kids do pick up things easily so we have to be careful with our behaviors especially in the car , after all these are the children of the future and it wont be long before they have there own cars on the road.

AXA have also hit the streets of London in a black taxi and have grabbed the opinions of the public in a series of videos called .

They've also set up a facebook fan page called which I've already popped over to 'like' and to check it out. They have all the 'Cab Cam' videos posted and ready to watch.

So next time you're out and about on the road how about some respect?

This was a Sponsored Post
