Monday, 18 April 2011

The Fairy Godmother Strikes Again!

Nothing can beat the thrill of receiving gifts in the post, gifts that were simply gifted upon you for no reason at all. These kind of thrills totally rock.

Thanks to the lovely over at I was treated to some goodies from Amazon, simply for just commenting on Mediocre Mum's post about her visit from the Fairy Godmother. The fairy Godmother has also been hard at work giving out chocolates, washing machines, HD TVs and even making donations to charity at the bloggers request.

Want to see what the Fairy Godmother treated me too?

A new set of scales which will help me make lots of yummy baked goods and some fitness goodies to help me work off those baked goods!

Why not leave a comment sharing what your wish item from the Fairy Godmother would be or why not drop them a tweet .. You never know who might be watching!
