Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Were you a Girl Guide or a Scout?

I promise that I will do my best:
to love my God,
to serve the Queen and my country,
to help other people
and to keep the Guide Law.

Does this sound familiar to you? Was you a rainbow/brownie/girl guide back in the day?

Reading a article over on the BBC website about girls overtaking boys in Scout admissions and Sally's post saying how she basically wants to be a girl guide bought back my own memories of being all 3.

I think it was every Tuesday night at the local church hall that I attended this youth organization for girls. At the same time as me going up to brownies, my younger brothers joined cubs and then later went on to join the Scouts. It didn't bother me at first until jealousy kicked in and I wanted to join Scouts, I guess I was always a bit of a tomboy and contunied to be one as I got older and went from Brownies to Guides. The 'boy scout' stuff sounded much more my kind of thing then what we were doing at Guides. I would of much rather of been roughing it in tents then some lavish indoor place where we had pj parties. I only got more jealous over time but because of the rules saying we had to stick to our groups I had to continue to be a girl guide whilst my brothers toasted marshmallows over outdoor fires.

Of course the rules went and changed back in 2007 which allowed all girls of all ages to join the Scouts but of course by then I had swapped girl guides for the delights of bars and cocktails. I know some areas of the UK allowed girls to join Scouts before 2007 but my area didn't.

Did you get to do what I couldn't and join the Scouts? Do you have fond memories of being a girl guide?
