I'm currently meant to be at BlogCamp but thanks to a poorly toddler and a last minute job interview I couldn't attend, am rather gutted to be missing out on all the sessions and cupcake eating though! Will look at attending one of the next planned BlogCamp events so please let me know if you're going and which one you're going too! It was kinda lucky though that I wasn't in London as I was invited to a job interview today so fingers crossed that they love me!

Thanks to the lovely people over at Three, I currently have Internet access thanks to a rather cool little Mobile Wi-Fi gadget which will keep me going until BT decide to sort me out with some broadband. I admit to doing a little squeak when I realised I can take my little
Of course I could be be cleaning up the lunch stuff, blogging about Tuesday's Young's fish event/the screening of Bridesmaids I attended with Vic or even making a start on all boxes piled up my room. But I'm not going to, for now anyway I'm just going to sit here and look out at my new garden whilst browsing the ikea catalogue and drinking a cup of tea.