Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Informing a potential employer that I'm pregnant

I wrote a post yesterday morning before going for a job interview whilst pregnant asking if I should tell them or not that I am pregnant. Sorry to those who left a comment that I didn't reply during the day, I was out of the house but used the wonder of iphone mail to see what you had to say. Most of you said yes tell them, but over the day I became set that I wasn't going to tell them and see if I got the job and then deal with it. After all it's not like I was going to break any laws or rules.

Though I did know if I was to get the job that I could risk the chance of pissing my employers off by then telling them I'm pregnant. I changed my mind pretty much the moment I walked through the doors and was greeted with a cold coke and really friendly staff, even the cleaner came up to me to see if I was ok and if I was being seen too, as I sat and waited to be called in.

The guy interviewing me was lovely, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say I wowed him with my dazzle factor. Loved the fact he kept mentioning my bubbly personality and how he could see what a fab job I would do just by chatting and getting to know me. Nothing like a job interview to boost your self esteem. I just couldn't not tell him when it came to 'so have you got any questions for me', told him I didn't really have a question but more of a announcement from me. Had to giggle at his face, he really wasn't expecting that. Like I said to him, I just wanted to stand out from all the others they were interviewing. Not likely to forget me in a hurry. Must of done something right as I've been invited back for a second interview. Yay!
