I seem to be having a problem with a
It didn't clear it up, instead it somehow skipped, hopped and jumped into the other end and I became unwell at the same time. My energy was sucked out of me and I was walking around with two eyes that looked like golf balls. I was shipped around from hospital to doctors to hospital who finally decided because my glands were up that I had a virus which I just needed to sit and wait out. I'm back to having to normal size eyes again but I still have that Meibomian cyst (whatever you do, do not google image search this if you're squeamish). I dare not go back for anymore anti-biotics after becoming ill after taking them. Instead I'm going to leave it for a while and see if it will get better by itself.
I think I might try out the whole tea bag on eye thingamajig, if anything it's a great excuse to drink lots of tea!