When you get a email with the subject 'cupcakes' you always know its going to be a winner. I got sent some details about a cupcake competition going on over on the Tesco Real Food website called The Great Christmas Cupcake Competition.
The ideal is that you make/bake/cook/design and create your own Christmas cupcakes which you then upload to the competition's website along with a few words.
They kindly sent me a box full of cake stuff so that I could have a go at making my own Christmas cupcakes. They obviously have not seen my previous attempts at making cupcakes! I can make the actual cakes but when it comes to the icing and decoration I am a total fail.
Thankfully Tesco had shared some ideas on How to decorate your cakes and a recipe on how to make Cupcakes with vanilla frosting.
I was meant to make my cakes yesterday but totally forgot that I lent my cake tray out so cannot do mine until this evening. So keep a eye for my attempt at entering the competition. Fingers crossed they turn out something like this..

You have until Monday 29th November to add your entry. 2 lucky winners will get the chance to cook alongside a celebrity chef for the afternoon on Friday 10th December in London. There also 10 runner up prizes of a cupcake decorating kit.
As it's so gloomy outside why not stick some Christmas music on and go about making some Christmas cupcakes this weekend with the kids.
Happy Baking!