Ok, so the school holidays may be coming to a end but I don't think we should see this as the end of Summer. I remember last year we still had some lovely weather at the beginning of October, I never thought I would be reaching for the BBQ at that time of the year. Morrisons have been helping to make the summer holidays more affordable with it's new savers range, recipes which you can make with the kids and a events calendar almost as long as much to do list, which is a rather long list!
I mentioned the M Savers events a few weeks ago which listed some dates where Morrisons were taking their summer play parks up and down the country. Did you managed to get along to your local event? Morrisons have put some photos up on their website in the summer event gallery. If not why no re-create some of the fun at home with these fun and affordable activities or ideas from Play England.

We've been making it our mission this summer to shop more on a budget and this has included purchasing more from the savers range. Especially items from the under £1 range, this is where we've found items for Oli's tea ranging from the 60p fish fingers to the 66p lasagne. Items like the 56p sausage have been fab in a sausage casserole and for a treat the 89p ice cream which has gone down a treat with a few bananas and sprinkles. I think with the weather due to be nice this weekend, we'll be having the lemon and honey whole roast chicken with salad.

If you are at a lost to what to make for tea one evening then why not check out all the recipes over on the Morrisons website or failing that, grab a blanket and have a go at some picnic treats.