I had my first experience of nursing tops when I was pregnant and won a competition over on twitter for a £50 voucher to spend at Funmum Maternity. I choose the pack of 2 maternity nursing tops. The tops were perfect for the rest of my bump days, I even wore one of them when I was in labour. Have been using them ever since Dylan arrived and we started breastfeeding, they are fab at allowing me to get to the boob easily and the fabric is soft and comfortable for us both.
But now I'm getting a little bored of them, I have been wearing them since I was pregnant and pretty much living in them ever since. So I took to town to check out what I could find at high street price and still remain some style at the same time. Now I only have a little town with the likes of New Look, Dorothy Perkins & Pilot, anything decent then I have to travel to other towns. At least this way I'm guaranteed to only spend a small fortune. What I love about these shops is that I'm always greet a with a sale rack, LOVE sale clothes. I'm not one for keeping up with the latest style so don't mind last seasons clothes. Great thing about being pregnant and making crimes to fashion is that in that time a fashion seemed to of sprouted which involved lots of tops with buttons down the front. See the following for prime examples.
Some of the choice from New Look...

Some of the choice from Dororthy Perkins...

Some of the choice from Pilot...

At the end of the day it's finding something which is comfortable for you and what works best for you and baby. I've found that I can still wear some of my original t-shirts and those tight tees that I like wearing if I stick a vest (bought for a few quid from primark!) underneath them.