Tuesday, 16 October 2012

The Essential One

I'm such a naughty blogger/mother as I've known about this fantastic baby clothing company The Essential One now for the last 6 months and have not uttered a word about them to you guys yet. I first discovered them when I was pregnant and I got a tweet asking for my address as they wanted to send me a gift for my new arrival. What they sent me got me hugely excited about our new baby which was due at any time. We received a baby blanket which was rather appreciated as I hadn't thought until then about a blanket for his carseat and pram. See you would think that being a second time mum I would know that but it's amazing how quickly you forget all things baby once you're faced with a toddler.

The Essential One seems to have all this covered with it's Newborn Baby List. The great thing about them is that they only sell what we need, which is great if you're like me and have a habit of going off and buying items that I just simple don't need.If that's not enough of a reason to check them out then you should see how adorable the range of clothing is! These are pictures from last season as I want to share the new A/W season with you in another post (any excuse to show off those cute baby photos!)

What I personally love about The Essential One clothing is the quality of the clothes, I find with baby clothing it can lose that new quality to it after a few washes. Several washes later and all of the clothing retained it's soft cotton touch. It didn't fray, bubble or shrink or look any different. I think they suit my boy's boys personality rather well, the colours are not dull and each outfit has a little motif to it.

This 3 pack of sleepsuits/baby grows pictured above is available on the The Essential One website for £18.00 which to me is a great price as it puts each sleepsuit at £6 which includes a matching drawstring bag which is handy to keep them in before baby arrives and afterwards to store them until another little one may come along. They each have integral scratchmittens which prevents baby clawing himself and as I like to use them, helps keep them warm now the weather has turned. You can even buy matching hats.

Considering I already have a household of 2 boy's, Dylan came along and made it 3. This baby all in one  - Mummy's New Man available for £12.00 makes me giggle and everyone who reads it. He certainly is my new man. The poppers at the bottom easily open allowing quick simple baby changing.

You can find The Essential one over on , or blogging away over on the new The Essential One Blog.
