This week's trawl through the local charity shops had me looking for photo frames, typically I didn't see any where as the last time I visited - I did. Just shows if you want something, you should get it at the time. Especially when you don't really have to pay that much for it. I did the same yesterday though with a Spongebob jacket for Oli, picked it up and thought how cute but then did the whole hesitating thing and put it back. It was only a couple of quid, so of course once I got home I had wished that I had picked it up.
Did however pick up a 'our new baby' book for the bargain price of 50p, I guess it was put at this price because it really did look brand new and still had the stickers with it. I've actually been browsing amazon for books that can help explain to the toddler that he has a new baby brother on the way. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we've been on the look out for some Disney DVDs, in no desperate need of the Disney collection so thought we could save a few pennies by looking for them second hand.
Did find Cars for 58p, but it doesn't work and is rather scratched, am rather confused to if the Charity Shop I bought it from knew it didn't work hence why it was so cheap? Though the Horton Hears A Who that we bought for £1.25 made up for it and definitely does work as the toddler proved by watching it twice in the space of one evening. Deleting it from my TV box now frees up some room for me to record some other films, tough do you find that TV shows the same films again and again?
I let the boy have a rummage through the 5p car box, where he found a little trailer which since getting home he's attempted to attach to every car he owns. He also picked up a plastic aeroplene which he's justified getting by saying it's for baby, yes Oli and that's why you've not put it down since getting it. Bless him.
Did you get any good buys this week from anywhere? Maybe from one of the sites I mentioned last week?