The Fisher Price Tracking Lights Gym is no different, the mat itself has a funky wildlife scene image which is soft to touch and comfortable enough for Dylan to go on both his tummy and his back. The wildlife theme continues across the gym with 3 overhead toys which have a range of different textures and activities for baby to enjoy. Knocking the middle animals sets off music, as Dylan has learnt when kicking his legs around. These overhead toy animals can come off the top bar and be attached to the mat for when baby is having some tummy time. The side of the gym has a elephant and a lion which spins giving baby more to play with and explore. The flexibility of the overhead toys and these toys on the side of the gym allow the mat to be used beyond the newborn stage and when baby is sitting up to explore the world.

Putting the Gym together was simple, didn't take long at all and only involved a few little screws which were put in to keep the gym secure. It's not overly huge so doesn't take up much room, we've left it up in the corner of the living room so it's accessible whenever we want to put Dylan down on it. Thought with the push of a button the back leg swings in allowing it to fold up even more if you wanted it to be. We've already had a baby sick incident where we wiped dry the mat with ease and made it look new again. Anything more and the mat can easily be put into the washing machine.
In the pictures Dylan is just over a week old so it really is perfect from the newborn stage onwards. The lights have been a subject of fascination for him, these were created to help baby's eye tracking ability. It has 4 lights which go to the time of the music and sound effects, they go back and forth and can even be seen in the brightest of lights as we've discovered this week with the sun being out. Our toddler has really enjoyed showing his new baby brother how to use the gym, with setting off the music for him and telling him what the animals are on the mat. Big thumbs up for the Fisher Price Tracking Lights Gym from all of us.