When my contractions started in the first pregnancy, I went as long as could without anything. Had the warm bath and by the time they had got closer it was time to go into hospital so I was wearing it in the car on the way to hospital and right up until I tried another bath at the hospital and then traded it in for some good old gas and air. It did work a treat for me helping to take my mind off those contractions so thought it ideal having one again this time around, especially for the homebirth.
What is a TENs Machine?
Well it stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and come in the form of a small box. It has four wires coming out of it which connect to sticky pads, which are stuck to the back. When turned on the TENs gives out little pulses of electrical energy which you can control using the buttons on the machine. As contractions get stronger you can use the boost button to help relieve that pain.

Hiring out is really simple, just pick which TENs Machine you want and then tell them your due date and then they will send it out 3 weeks before your due date. Postage is free and you get free practice pads with it allowing you to try it out before everything kicks off. Free to return it too and you can reuse the packaging it was sent in. It only cost me £22.94 which isn't much to pay when you think about how it can help with that pain. Of course it isn't for everybody but seeing as it worked for me the first time around, I'm hoping it will do the trick again.
Did you use a TENs Machine?