Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Huggies Mummy's Lunch

The lovely crew at Huggies who are sponsoring us for Cybermummy invited us over to a rather posh hotel in London for lunch.

Remember my desperate plea for traveling tips yesterday? Thank You ever so much for all your help/tips. I packed the pram full of toys/snacks/treats and anything else I could find that may entertain a one year old who does not like staying still. The journey there was everything I expected from Oli - Horrid , as soon as we got on the train he screamed to come out of his pram and then ran wild , bumping from seat to seat. When the driver announced we had arrived at Paddington I could of cried with relief!

Eating crisps - we must of got through about 6 packs of mccoys!

Coloring In

It was so exciting to finally meet the Huggies people and some fellow Mummy Bloggers. I came with the wonderful Vic from Glowstars who I met the other week and was kind enough to meet from the train to prevent me getting lost in the middle of London. I met Pippa from A Mother Ramblings , Kelly from A Place Of My Own and Tanya from Bump2Basics and of course there adorable children/babies. We also got to meet Catherine from Baby Genie who stormed in at 2pm declaring she was late, but Me & Vic got to have a drink with her and a great girlie chat.

Me , Catherine & Vic

Lunch was yummy & so was the desert , we were given a manicure - I now have bright pink nails and we also got some fantastic goodie bags , I'm loving the funky notebook - It's way too pretty to write in!

Vic getting a manicure

The journey back was not something I was looking forward too but Oli surprised me , he stayed in his pram for the whole journey back and was even quite playful. We read his books and did some colouring in. Even when I spyed a wet nappy leak (whats it with not having nappy change areas on trains, fold downs don't take up that much room!) there were no complaints from him.

Would of been rude to of gone to London and not bring back some Krispy Kremes!

Was a great day , Thanks Huggies & Thanks ladies!
