Friday, 21 May 2010

Self Discipline

I am useless at disciplining myself. I suppose I always have been if I think about it.

In the past when I was revising for exams I would get bored after just a few minutes in or distracted by a txt from a friend asking if I wanted to hang out.

It's the same now , housework is not a enjoyable task - I know some of you enjoy it & I just think your plain weird! But now I've added studying into that mix.
So as well as making sure the men of the house have clean clothes I have to find time to study.

I know the time is available , there's those nap time slots that last a couple of hours , I know I should use that quiet time to study. But what do I do? I turn the TV on to the programs I like (usually CSI, Jeremy Kyle should of been axed a long time ago!) and I put my feet up and relax. I use it to blog & twitter without being disturbed.

I had to do a couple weeks of studying in one day because I left it to last minute , if I would of been more disciplined then that wouldn't of happened, I could of spread it over that available time I get.

Its not that I'm lazy , if only I could blame it on being lazy. I always find plenty of things to do but never the things that I must do.I have decided that maybe a set diary , like a list of what I should do and when my help me be slightly more organised.

Please reassure me that I'm not the only that's hopeless at self disciplining!
