Beautiful Blogger Bumps
What has been a big support to me during this pregnancy is following the journey of other blogger's who have been and are currently pregnant be it via their blogs or via twitter. I'm fascinated by bumps, I love how they can come in so many different shapes and sizes. I thought what better where to celebrate bumps by rounding up some photos of beautiful blogger's bumps.
This is the rather beautiful Alice and her daughter Elfie. Alice blogs over at More Than Toast and has one of those blogs that I could read all day. As well as being about her pregnancy to her second child - a baby boy, her blog contains lots of yummy recipes. This bump photo is taken from 33 weeks pregnant. I remember first getting to know Alice and her blog back when she was pregnant with Elfie, so it's been fun to follow another pregnancy journey of Alice's.
This bump belongs to a blogger I recently discovered on twitter. Her names Lisa, not Holly as I thought it was for a while. Hollybobbs as well as being the name of her blog is the name of her one year old daughter. Photo is taken from her 30 Weeks Pregnant With Baby Boy post, where she compares this shot with a 31 weeks bump shot pf her carrying Holly. I love the fact that in this post she reminds herself that this will be the last as she doesn't take to pregnancy very well - exactly what I've been saying myself about mine.
I've been a huge fan of this blogger for a long time, I think I can class 3 years as a long time in blogger years. This is Make Do Mum's baby bump, this bump shot is from her Turning A Breech Baby post. Her bump is 36 weeks in this photo and she's booked in for a ECV at 37 weeks so please pop over if you've had a ECV yourself or have any advice about trying to turn around a breech baby. She already lists some ways which have been suggested to get baby moving around.
This bump belongs to a blogger who I've been following for over a year now, she's not your usual parent blogger but a photography blogger. (as I best know her) shares photos taken by either her, professionals or complete amateurs over on her blog It's All About The Photos. This 'Bump' by me shot is a special one as she doesn't usually share photos of herself on her blog. She's 33 weeks in this shot and I find it quite special because at the same time I would of been 33 weeks as we're due at exactly the same time. It's been so lovely to share the countdown with someone else and to compare and chat about all those pregnancy issues, niggles and jubilation's.

Another blogger who I recently started following and exchanging tweets with is Nicola. Nicola blogs over at Nicola.. Life Through My Eyes. I took a hour the other day to go back through all her posts (tries not to sound like a stalker!) as she had began blogging about her pregnancy to her first child (a baby girl!) from the very start. It really is fascinating to read a pregnancy diary which someone else is writing and you find yourself relating to parts of it and nodding along. Couldn't help but to smile at all her posts and piccy's of her first born Millie.
I couldn't not mention this blogger even though I don't have a bump shot to share. Emma was one of the first bloggers I got to know outside of the virtual world and at blogging events. She blogs over at Mellow Mummy, one of my favourite blogs to read as it contains blog posts on anything and everything, though mainly about her toddler Lara - when you have a toddler yourself, it's nice to relate to other toddler mothers. She's kept the perfect pregnancy blog in my eyes, pretty much every week she's kept us up to date with her pregnancy diary.
Here's another blogger and her bump who is due around the same time as me. I actually think most of the above bloggers are due to pop at the end of this month or beginning of next month. Jennie blogs over at Edspire where before also blogging about pregnancy she was blogging about twins Esther and William. I really did relate to her Bump Watch: Emotional at 37+2 blog post, 37 weeks was when I had my meltdown too and couldn't stop crying. I know via twitter that a couple of the others mentioned above felt the same, apparently it is a sign that baby is getting ready to greet us. SO glad she mentioned that she felt like she was organised but not organised, again I can relate to that!
It's weird when I think about this blogger's pregnancy as out of all the pregnant bloggers I know including mine, Monika's pregnancy seems to of just gone so fast. She's probably saying the complete opposite, but I still remember it as if it was yesterday her announcement over on that she was pregnant with her third. Monika blogs over at Mum On The Brink and like I remember her announcing her pregnancy, I remember reading her blog when she first started over a year ago. Her recent pregnancy blog post is so sweet - Pregnancy Week 30 - A 4D Ultrasound Scan. Those little 4D scan photos of baby sleeping and feet being crossed are so cute and I love the fact she used this as a way of helping her other little ones bond with their new sibling.
Bloggers who have recently given birth...

Seriously, how adorable is this blogger's bump shot? It totally reminds me that I should get some more of my toddler and bump together. Heather over at Stay At Home Mum Loving It (Most Of The Time) gave birth just a few weeks ago to a adorable baby boy who you can see in her Post-Pregnancy Platter.. He's Here blog post. This bump shot is taken from one of Heather's Silent Sunday post. Mini Chedder (the gorgeous girlie in the photo!) was born a month before Oli, if I go into birth this month then again Heather would of gave birth the month before me - amazing what you find out when you read someones about me section!
This blogger almost ended up in the pregnant bloggers part until I checked and realized that she gave birth - 2 days ago!! Missy.B & Family welcome a 7th member to their family. If I would of been paying closer attention to her blog, Marissa did say that she was going in for a induction. Strange to think that someone who was due the day before me is already holding her baby.
This blogger really does not know how much of a help she has been for me. Back at the beginning of my own pregnancy I started to get fell ill with the sickness, it wasn't just a ordinary morning sickness which Luschka from Diary Of A First Birth helped me to realise. She too was suffering from this horrible form of sickness called Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Along with some other tweeters/bloggers she kicked my bottom into going to hospital when I needed drips and medication to help control it. She's now had two home births, so all those home birth posts she wrote have been incredibly handy for me planning my own home birth.
Now all of the above bumps/bloggers mentioned would make great nominees for The MADs Best Pregnancy Blog. Apart from Photo Puddle who I think would make a fantastic nominee for The MADs Best Photography Blog. It took me a long time to decide which one to put forward myself as all these blogs/bloggers have been great reads of mine for a while now, especially the ones where we're all close in due dates.
All these photos were kindly sent to me by the bloggers themselves so that I could share with you their gorgeous bumps, please go and check out their blogs.